Why Owners and Founders Need a Metaphysician


Go from being successful but burnt out to realizing your dream.

Linda, one of my awe-inspiring clients is a musician who has been masquerading as a Realtor for 8 years. She has achieved success beyond belief. They said she couldn’t do it. She doubted she could. Until she did. The truth is whatever she sets her mind to, she achieves. And she did it on her own. She’s proud but exhausted.

A deep desire has been sparked. She has a big vision for her ultimate dream, The Lovesong Ranch.

She can see it clearly. The Universe is showing her signs of support. But she has too much to do on a daily basis to really focus on creating this masterpiece.

Even though she knows The Lovesong Ranch is her real legacy, she’s overwhelmed and mired in the details of real estate deals. The brokerage is her baby and her bankroll, but honestly, it’s more of a means to an end.

I asked Linda, “What if there was a way to protect your bankroll and build your legacy all while staying in your zone of genius?”

Your Image is Everything

Absolutely, aesthetics and style are important, you are in the public eye after all. But your self-image is what gives you the confidence of a queen, the charisma of a lead singer, and the magnetism of a master manifestor.

Self-image is the difference maker between chasing the dream, the money, the happiness…and living it.

Being healthy, wealthy, and happy with your life now means whatever you turn your attention to will mirror those qualities back to you.

You want to see your agents satisfied? Be satisfied.

You want to see your family happy? Be happy.

You want to be friends with artists? Be the artist.

As Linda’s private metaphysician, our work began by turning her on to the truth of who she is so she can BE all that she desires.

Imagine a one-day makeover for your soul…

My exclusive VIP Day, The Metaphysical Makeover™, is the ultimate refresh. For some, it can even be a resurrection, a redeeming of one’s true self after decades of doubt and denial.

It’s a coming home to who you really are so you can show up in the world as a radiant soul with absolute self confidence, building your legacy and fulfilling your destiny, while looking and feeling fucking fabulous!

It’s the ultimate Spiritual Awakening. You wake up from the illusion of separation to the reality that you are the Infinite Creator.

It’s the experience of unconditional love, inner peace, and joy for no reason.

It’s the recognition of being whole, where nothing is missing, no one can deprive you, and nothing can disturb you.

It’s restoring your self-image to a preconditioned state while activating your infinite power to create. It’s the remembering — I am.

It’s a rapid and complete restoration of your true self. It’s a return to your power. It’s a soul satisfying surrender into the ocean of infinite possibilities.

We strip away all that no longer serves you so you can set your spirit free and soar to new heights. And we do all of this in one luxurious day.

Dreams Have a Divine Purpose

The Lovesong Ranch. Linda sees it in her dreams (day and night). That’s God giving her a glimpse of the freedom and fulfillment that she desires.

This kind of dream, and the intensity of desire she’s feeling, are in fact, Divine urges to experience more — more life, more joy, and more of who she is.

Because it’s Divine, it is done! Meaning, there is already a version of her living at The Love Song Ranch, hosting artists, and luxuriating in the legacy she built.

When we identify as infinite, we know our destiny is already fulfilled.

Anytime we feel overwhelmed, stressed or anxious it’s because we are out of alignment (off our path) with the highest version of ourselves.

That’s why with all the success you have, it still doesn’t satisfy your soul.

Your soul wants to come home, to experience its full expression, to create your heaven on Earth.

During Linda’s one-day activation, we clarified her soul’s desire for The Lovesong Ranch. Immediately, the miracles to make it happen came one after the other. They came to her.

This is how we know it’s a Divine Desire.

Her job now is to keep saying YES to the gifts God is giving her.

This is not something we do on our own. It’s too easy to forget who we are and fall out of alignment when we are called to create a masterpiece.

Before the strategy and actions comes the Divine Blueprint.

Logic would suggest we put our head down and get to work. But that approach is what leaves us overworked, overwhelmed, and burnt out. There is no freedom or fulfillment in that!

Think of a Divine Blueprint as the foundational document for building your legacy and fulfilling your destiny. Without it your creation will be hard work and haphazard.

With it, you and others can see the opulent vision clearly. All aspects are harmonized. Each expert knows their role and they are honored to participate. They take care of the details so you can stay in your magical zone of genius.

I am the Architect of Dreams. And just like the magical results Linda is experiencing from our initial day together, when a metaphysician creates a Divine Blueprint, miracles manifest to bring it to fruition. Most of which is done for you before you even ask!

Legacies are Built In Alignment

You have it all. But do you have inner peace? Do you experience unconditional love? Do you work for the sheer pleasure of it? Do you have cosmic connections with people or are you hiding behind a mask and fear being fully seen?

If you were in alignment, you would’ve answered ‘yes’ to all of those questions.

It really is simple to test yourself with this all-important aspect. Which of the following bullet points best describes an average day for you?

Out of Alignment

  • Hustle
  • Hard work
  • Heavy heart
  • Headache

In Alignment

  • Grace
  • Gratitude
  • Good luck
  • Great times

When it comes to building your legacy and fulfilling your destiny, alignment is a necessity.

How do we get in, and stay in, alignment? The most effective and efficient means of doing this starts with The Metaphysical Makeover™.

I had to develop my own metaphysical technology because the combination of coaching, therapy, yoga, and meditation only got me so far.

There are two parts to the makeover. First I diagnose your soul wound. Then I administer the metaphysical treatment to heal you at a soul level.

Without getting into the details of my proprietary process, the most important thing to know is it’s my greatest intention to teach my technology to a few very specific people, thereby transforming the lives of many.

Soul Wound

Your soul wound imprisons your desire but it’s also the key that unlocks its fulfillment.

For example, my soul wound, “I am an ugly disgusting waste of time.” imprisoned my soul’s desire to be the private metaphysician for the world’s elite.

Had I let it stop me, I wouldn’t be fulfilling my purpose — to introduce you to your divinity so you can build your legacy, fulfill your destiny, and live a more interesting life.

Only when we discover the mistake can we make it right.

The wound is a mistake in identity. The truth is “I am” is infinite. Therefore, “I am’’ is what we declare ourselves to be.

To create in alignment we must persist in claiming a powerful and productive identity.

Alignment means you live as the highest version of yourself and empower others to do the same.

My greatest gift is being a masterful empath, however, I will kick your ass in the most loving way when you are out of alignment.

Alignment applies to every aspect of your life. Your career, your relationship, your health, and the making of your masterpiece.

Linda has said, “I don’t know how you did that but I feel on top of the world now. Ten minutes ago I was overwhelmed, ready to give up on my dream and just stick to what I know how to do — real estate!”

Listen, when it feels like there’s just too much to do and you need to be reminded of who you really are, I will be here to nudge you back into your genius zone, lift you to a higher state of consciousness, and then help you implement the aligned actions that move mountains and make deals!

That’s one of the many unparalleled benefits of having a private metaphysician.

I Am That I Am

Metaphysicians have the ability to activate higher frequencies of thought which alter the harmonics of matter (manifestations), yielding desired results.

Here’s the deal. I don’t dwell in the illusion where most people find themselves seeking high and low for happiness.

I know the truth about reality. Everyone I partner with transcends physical limitations and realizes fulfillment. That’s just fact.

If you want to bend and mold your reality to match your soul’s desire then I highly recommend you partner with someone who knows the truth and lives in alignment.

I stand for absolute integrity and total fulfillment in a state of Grace.

I walk the talk.

I am what I say I am. I do what I say I will.

My words create worlds.

If you want an inexplicable edge, partner with me. You will be elevated. You will be activated. You will be fulfilled.

I am the world’s only Private Metaphysician for Public Figures.

Like you, I choose whom I align and create with. Together, we will see beyond the physical world into the non-physical realm of all possibilities and select the most satisfying experience based on your soul’s desire.

We determine what your soul’s desire is after we have diagnosed and treated the wound that’s in the way of realizing your dreams.

Once we have determined your true desire, it is fulfilled instantly in the quantum field as it is seen and selected by me and “shown” to you through my words. You will see and feel it fulfilled. Together, we mastermind the blueprint, the strategy, and ongoing energy to materialize it.

If we enter into a partnership, your Infinite Creator Consciousness will be activated and your soul’s desire will be fulfilled.

Because that is what I do as a metaphysician. Metaphysicians transform energy with what is considered to be a mystical technology few people can comprehend.

I deal with the most critical forms of energy — thoughts and words. I go straight to the most powerful thought and the most potent words spoken — I AM.

These words in mind and speech, dictate our emotions, the energy most people are trying to control. The only reason we feel ‘negative’ emotions like doubt and worry is because we have forgotten who we really are.

Being a client of mine means you are ready for the truth and the truth shall set you free.

I will not partner with you if I believe otherwise.

If I’ve chosen to work with you it’s because I see the untapped potential in your soul. I recognize your desire and have seen its fulfillment in the field of possibilities. Its manifestation, including your enjoyment of it, is of great interest to me.

In my world, freedom and love reign supreme.

And now I am partnering with other creators, people like me who are able to uplift and activate others through their presence, words, and deeds.

If I tap you, it is time.

It’s time to have the conversation about who you really are.

It’s time to build your legacy and fulfill your destiny.

It’s time for your Magnum Opus.

I have prepared a place for you.

It’s time to come home.



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment