To CEOs Searching for a Soulmate

Why You Need a Metaphysician Not a Matchmaker


If you have a lot of love to give but struggle to find the right person who has all the qualities you want in a partner and understands how important your job is, consider the following non-traditional model for finding true love.

For more than twenty years, I’ve been helping high profile CEOs who have it all, but don’t have “the one” to share it with, finally experience true love and happiness. Many times clients come to me with an unconscious energy of “hoping to be chosen”. Through our work together, an internal shift occurs, creating a conscious confidence of “being the chooser” of the right mate — as in, someone who loves you for who you are, not what you have.

My clients are extremely successful in just about every area of their lives, but they’ve never tapped into their heart’s full power. When it comes to being available for love, they’ve done a bunch of work on themselves, but they haven’t yet discovered their divinity. Which, if we’re talking real deal soulmate love, that’s what’s needed.

Trust is Everything

If your confidence in love is low it will fuck with your flow in other areas of life, too. Maybe it already has. Meaning, you could be starting to doubt yourself, questioning the loyalty of your partners and clients.

Here’s the hard-to-swallow truth. You may have an amazing life but you don’t have “the one” to share it with because you don’t TRUST love.

Maybe you’ve gone through a brutal divorce, been broken-hearted more than a few times, and accepted “scraps” from women so your heart is sheathed in armor. Which is understandable.

You might’ve even been duped before so now you are on guard because what’s worse than not having a partner is having one you can’t trust.

And maybe you’re at the point where you’ve been to therapy and done the work to heal the relationship and intimacy issues, but…something still isn’t right within.

You don’t feel complete, fully open to true love. You really want it, but a voice inside says, “you don’t deserve it.”

Chances are, you probably had a judgmental father who didn’t show you love and approval. You may not realize it, but on a soul level, that’s the love you are really seeking.

Your Hero’s Journey

You are on a hero’s journey …in love.

Let me explain. You think the lack of love is because women only want you for your money. That’s just the way your heart is getting your attention. This is really about you finding out you are perfectly loved just as you are, with or without the money or the perfect partner.

Your hero’s journey is all about you realizing who you really are.

You are meant to live a big, bold life.

You are meant to venture into uncharted territory.

You are meant to get beat up… and get back up.

You are meant to meet your breaking point.

And you are meant to return home — to love.

The love I speak of is already within your soul.

To have soulmate love, you must free your soul (heart) of it’s armor.

How? By discovering and healing your soul wound. This is the fundamental part of your hero’s journey often symbolized by finding the treasure or the elixir that you can now return home with.

Your soul wound is a spiritual misunderstanding that you are not loved and perfect as you are. Your father probably demonstrated this. Most of my top-tier clients have a hidden belief that their value is predicated on their success so they are attracting people who want them for what they have, not who they are.

The reason therapy doesn’t heal this wound is because it cannot be ‘diagnosed’ at the level of mind. It resides in your soul, aka the metaphysical realm.

A Metaphysical Model

When you’ve exhausted all the options in your current paradigm and you still have the problem, you need a new paradigm. This is where metaphysics comes in.

In the materialist paradigm (model) your soulmate is separate from you and hard to find. In the metaphysical model, you’re already one with her and you bring that fulfilled desire out of your heart into the physical reality.

Most highly intelligent people have a hard time imagining a non-traditional model for finding the love of their life … but that’s because they don’t understand the divine purpose (and liberating power) of their soul’s desire for a true partner.

Your soul’s desire for true love is the call to return home.

You’ve been out in the world. You’ve climbed mountains. You’ve been wounded in battle. You’ve conquered adversaries. You’ve made a name for yourself.

But you haven’t met your infinite self, your divinity, unconditional love.

The primary thing I do as a metaphysician is diagnose your wound and treat it at a soul-level, introducing you to your divinity. Meeting your infinite self is the pinnacle of your hero’s journey.

But the journey doesn’t end there. Once you’ve met your infinite self, you will want to integrate this new understanding so that your life can be a demonstration of your divinity. Walking the path with you while holding the lamp that lights the way is the other aspect of what I do.

This is where the next leg of your journey begins. Now is when you share the full power of the love in your heart with someone who sees you for who you truly are.

This is how you free your soul and find your soulmate.


Highly discerning CEOs are turning to my metaphysical model to free their soul and find their soulmate because traditional approaches are not cutting it. A matchmaker can put you in touch with dates who meet your criteria, but they can’t help you free your soul so you’re fully available for true love. If you’re reading this, you know your desire for a partner is much bigger than checking another box. You know it’s about you being all of who YOU are and trusting someone to see you and love you for exactly that.

Call to Action

If you want to see what I can do for you as your private metaphysician, CLICK HERE to speak with me.



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment