The Free-Spirited CEO


It’s Safe to Come Out of the Closet and Lead Courageously

Are you a public figure who secretly has a free spirit that seemed to get you in trouble when you were young?

If so, there’s a good chance you funneled your wild imagination into something safe. A safer version of you.

You probably created a persona that was smart, liked by many, and in control. Which is why you are so successful.

However, here you are at the height of your success, which is amazing… but there’s a difficult truth you’re now facing.

People look at you and think that you have it all. And ya, you’ve got a lot of the achievement boxes checked. But between you and me, you’re just not as happy as you feel you should be and you don’t know why.

Sound familiar?

I’ve got a secret to share with you — it’s not the real you that’s acquired the houses, the cars, and the career… it’s the version of you that you made up — the identity you created.

Meanwhile, that free spirit of yours is yearning to come out and play.

And listen, I get it. It seems like your free spirit was responsible for so much hurt earlier in your life…

But that version of “fun and freedom” wasn’t fulfilling at all because it was an unconscious rebellion for having to contain who you really are.

What I’m inviting you to discover is your Infinite Self — your free spirit guided by your higher self… and when those two are hooked up together — the world is your oyster.

That’s why I’m eager to introduce you to The Metaphysical Makeover.

I believe that living and leading from your Infinite Self is the purpose of life.

But because we’re so physically focused we don’t easily recognize our Infinite Self. Instead, we live our entire lives as our made up limited identity, the persona.

Which makes sense, but this persona has a fundamental flaw called a “Soul Wound” that keeps us from fulfillment.

The problem with living from your persona is that it is inherently limited.

Often, it’s tied to the past version of you and it’s terrified of your free spirit because your free spirit is a direct reflection of the limitlessness of Source or God.

I’ve spent the last decade perfecting the Metaphysical Makeover, which is a mystical awakening that employs my surgically precise tools to liberate your free spirit from your limited persona so you can live a truly healthy, happy life.

It’s like a facelift for your soul.

Meaning, we get to reverse the damage that your critical and controlling persona has done and liberate your free spirit, who just wants to dance again! Ya know?

When my clients experience their infinite being, there’s a profound sense of peace.

In those moments nothing is missing or has to be fixed.

When they let their free spirit out of the closet, and allow the wisdom of God/Source within to guide them, fulfillment and joy become a new everyday experience.

My soul’s mission is to liberate us from the limited public personas that keep us searching for happiness, and illuminate the impeccable and eternal spirit within each of us.

Tangibly speaking, the makeover does four primary things:

  1. It reveals your Soul Wound, the source of your fears, frustrations, and perceived limitations.
  2. It equips you with a real-world emotional regulation tool unlike any other — so you can lead at the highest level.
  3. It presents you with the outline for your life’s next chapter — who do you really want to be?
  4. It provides the structure and support for stepping into that chapter with self-awareness and self trust.

Here’s the deal: when it comes to a mystical experience, once you see something, you can’t unsee it.

The metaphysical makeover reveals YOU to YOU — so you see your divinity, your power… the infinite essence of your soul.

Now, will you be able to live in that 100% of the time immediately? Unless you’re a saint or a superhero, no.

But what you will have are some incredibly tailored tools to re-align with your Infinite Self on a regular basis as you’re living life… even when the shit hits the fan.

The tool allows you to go from triggered to centered with surprising mastery.

As a result, you find yourself aligning with your Infinite being and expressing your free spirit more and more often, until you look around and realize you are being exactly who you really want to be.

A metaphysical makeover is the ultra luxe way to resurrect your free spirit, trust your inner guidance and allow it to lead your most magical life.

I created the makeover because after doing all the drugs in my 20s, blowing up two loving relationships in my 30s, then developing a brainstem tumor, I simply had to find a way back to my center, to my Infinite being.

Of course I didn’t have this language at the time — I just had an innate sense that I was trapped in a maze, trying to find love and success but when I would find them, I wasn’t any happier. And I would all of a sudden be back in the maze.

The persona I created was smart, successful, and sexy, but inside that world, there was endless self-criticism.

I created this reliable method out of necessity, so I could be ALL OF ME, UNAPOLOGETICALLY… and actually love her! While allowing myself to have it all and being happy AF.

The metaphysical makeover is an incredibly fast path to freedom and fulfillment.

While seeing and activating your Infinite Self happens in a few hours, the integration takes a little time which is why you get 3 months of VIP support afterwards.

For women like us, it is no longer enough to just look the part and have the things.

For some reason, your free spirit has been awakened and she brought you here.

It’s time to let her come out and play. She is your greatest power and you’ve kept her hidden for long enough.

You needn’t fear your free spirit getting you in trouble anymore because you’re not who you were back then…you are wise and discerning now.

To see if the Metaphysical Makeover is right for you CLICK HERE.



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment