Icons: The Truth About Your Image

Stop ACTING Like an Icon and Start BEING One


Our entire brand is built around our identity. If we intend to build legacies and make a massive impact as icons in our fields, our self-image better be unshakable.

An ‘Iconic Image’ is a deep knowing and trusting of who we truly are. It is identifying as ‘The Infinite I am’.

It is not dependent on and cannot be crafted from an external experience.

It is the antithesis of the ego.

The Ego and The Infinite I Am

Most people unconsciously identify with their ego. The ego is ‘made up of’ our core beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions and is based on our past.

Core Beliefs — Subconscious beliefs about self, others, and the world. Considered to be truths. “Reality”.

Thoughts — Based on core beliefs. Affirming the known. Judging. Often unconscious and unfocused.

Feelings — Emotions that arise based on thoughts. We attempt to avoid the ‘negative’ ones or attach to ‘positive’ ones.

Actions — Based on core beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. Often motivated by fear and the need to fix an unwanted circumstance.

We seldom stop and wonder who is the one thinking, feeling and acting. You know you are not your thoughts or feelings or your past. All of these things come and go and yet you remain.

Your experiences change but you are the same exact you you were when you were five or fifteen, when you could be anything your heart desired.

For icons, when it comes to building our legacies and investing in branding and marketing containers, if our why originates in the ego, as in, “I’m doing this so I can get the recognition and money I deserve” or “so I can finally feel secure”, one of two things happens.

We succeed in the short-term but experience the relentless striving to achieve freedom and fulfillment. Then burnout takes over and we travel to the jungle to ‘find ourselves’.

Or we encounter hurdle after hurdle on the path to launching the next level. We get stuck, we get distracted, and we give up. Then we think the container let us down and that we made another fruitless investment.

All we have to do in order to avoid these pitfalls is align with The Infinite I am prior to taking any action.

Identifying as infinite (the same you you were at 5) means you’re present to all possibilities. In this state, your actions are not based on external experiences or ‘trying to get something that is lacking’.

Because you are infinite, whatever you desire is already yours, including the iconic image, next-level success and most importantly, soul satisfaction.

Look, there’s nothing wrong with our ego. Let’s not criticize it, but rather put it to use after we align and identify with our ‘Infinite I am’.

Mistaken to Awakened Identity

Nearly three decades of metaphysical self-inquiry led me to discovering the one thing that must be addressed if we are to be free and fulfilled. Our soul wound.

This deep, unconscious, spiritual wound is unique to each of us. When discovered, it is the supreme catalyst for our awakening.

Our soul wound imprisons our greatest desire but it’s also the key that unlocks its fulfillment.

For example, my soul wound, “I am an ugly disgusting waste of time” imprisoned my heart’s desire to show up as a radiant advisor and divine activator for my fellow icons so we can realize our infinite abilities, build our legacies, and fulfill our destinies.

Only when we discover the mistake can we make it right.

The wound is a mistake in identity. Remember, ‘I am’ is infinite. Therefore, ‘I am’ is what we declare ourselves to be.

To do our legacy work, we must persist in claiming a powerful and productive identity.

If left unhealed, everything we desire and do will be a coping mechanism for the soul wound. We will unknowingly market our mistaken identity and (secretly) hope people see, hear and believe us. This is not iconic.

The ego hopes, the Infinite knows.

Stop doubting and start doing your iconic work. I know you want to live up to the urge you feel to fulfill your destiny. But when we are operating from the wound, being an icon who’s building a legacy is ultimately making up for feeling unworthy.

Icons create because we can, not because we need to.

Our true selves, infinite beings, are born to create. Literally.

Our ego, driven by the soul wound, creates because it is in perpetual fear of death.

Pause for a moment and feel each of those motivators.

Infinite natural born creation…

Perpetual fear of death…

Which is a more satisfying way to bring your legacy to life?

When we arrive at the truth of who we are, we experience freedom and fulfillment. Then we can be, do, and have whatever we choose. Each choice will be from our Infinite I am not our wounded ego.

In essence, we are awareness. And our identity then, is that which we are aware of being.

Let’s Get Naked

I love fashion. Clothes, shoes, accessories…yes please!

But in Fall of 2021 nothing fit anymore. It felt like it was all of a sudden but the truth is I had been expanding for months.

The first half of the year I enjoyed a rather indulgent lifestyle fueled by a steady and reliable coaching business.

My soulmate and I traveled to five star resorts, staycay’d at our favorite Austin spots, and made a hobby out of hitting up happy hour. By summertime I was feeling the urge for more.

As a creator, I am most satisfied when I am bringing something new to life. In this case, I was called to create leverage in my business. To that end, I signed up for a business development program focused on scaling in a one-to-many model. I had spent years building my business through one-to-one coaching so I felt this would allow me to serve more people.

I dove head first into the deep end. I learned the systems, followed the formula to a T, and put nearly all my time and attention on this endeavor. It was a big financial investment and I was eager to see it pay off.

As artists do, when we’re inspired we lose ourselves in our creation.

Flow state is euphoric. Why? Because channeling the divine and manifesting desired outcomes is precisely what we are here to do.

Being one with the Infinite Creator is what so many people are unconsciously seeking in substances and sex.

To know this ecstasy simply by being one’s self is true fulfillment.

Ah, but there was a shadow side to my ecstatic state. I fell out of balance. I stopped working out, doing yoga, dating my man, and tending to my private coaching revenue stream. So while I was expanding I was unknowingly contracting at the same rate.

When something is in balance, or I prefer to say harmony, expansion and contraction are perfectly natural. But without awareness, things can get off and in my case way off!

When I say ‘nothing fit anymore’, I mean my clothes were too tight from the excess weight I gained, the easy-going deep intimate connection in my relationship became strained, and I found myself working tirelessly on a deadline to launch the new leveraged offer …which in the end, produced nothing. Zero. Zilch.

All that hard work and sacrifice for nothing! Or so I thought.

I literally hit financial rock bottom at that point.

With no money and no prospects the only thing I could do was surrender.

I am no stranger to surrender. I’ve come upon many critical points in life where there was nothing more I could do so I let go and let God. This last time was different.

This last time I knew what/who I was surrendering to.

Not some judgmental gray bearded grandpa in the sky that was going to save me after I learned my lesson…

Not some entity that saw me as powerless and took pity on poor little me…

Not a righteous ruler over Heaven and Earth that only one man in human history could ever know…

No. I surrendered to the Infinite I am.

And let me tell ya, it was fucking magical.

I did something I never thought I would do. I put my beloved bungalow up for sale. I let go of my rock, my home for 13 years in the heart of Austin.

At first it felt like the ultimate failure but the moment I realized this critical turning point was my creation, I instantly shifted from fear to faith and that is when the sequence of miracles started to pour forth.

  • My house was sold for cash and closed in 2 weeks.
  • I moved into a place twice as big, down the street, that had been on the market for 4 months (unheard of in the Austin market).
  • I paid off all my debt and bought beautiful new furniture.
  • I invested in the right business development program.
  • I met my functional nutritionist in that program, the test she ordered showed I had been really sick for months and I didn’t even realize it.
  • I took eight months off from working with clients to nurture my new relationship with God.
  • I created a brand new luxury metaphysical consulting business in 6 months.
  • I healed all kinds of shit and got fit (getting fitter by the day).
  • I hired copywriters, a videographer, and an assistant
  • I fulfilled my soul’s desire and my destiny to be a iconic metaphysical advisor and am working with legendary women

And I did all of this in a state of pure play and total fulfillment.

Oh, and I got a bunch of fabulous new clothes, shoes, and accessories to reflect my Iconic Image — the me I truly am when I relinquish a lackful perspective, a limited capacity, and my soul wound’s motives to achieve.

I conceived my desired reality from the realm of infinite possibilities and I received everything exactly as I imagined.

And all of this occurred in a divinely orchestrated way that felt like freedom and fulfillment way before the physical things ever showed up.

This is Heaven on Earth, my friends.

My work is God’s Will channeling through me for my fellow icons who are building a legacy and fulfilling their destiny.

This knowing, this absolute trust (or faith), is the Phoenix risen from the ashes. I had to surrender into the flames in order to expand my wings and fly into the heavens.

Holler if you want this.

Your Iconic Image

Listen, clothes, shoes and accessories are important, we are in the public eye after all. But our self-image is what gives us the confidence and charisma of icons.

Self-image is the difference maker between chasing the dream, the money, the happiness…and living it.

As your metaphysical advisor, my work begins by turning you on to the truth of who you are so you can BE all that you desire.

Imagine a one-day makeover for your soul…

My Couture Metaphysical Makeover™ is the ultimate refresh. For some, it can even be a resurrection, a redeeming of one’s true self after decades of doubt and denial.

It’s coming home to who you really are so you can show up in the world as a radiant soul with absolute self confidence, building your legacy and fulfilling your destiny, while looking and feeling fucking fabulous!

It’s the ultimate Spiritual Awakening. You wake up from the illusion and limitations of the ego.

It’s the experience of unconditional love, inner peace, and joy for no reason.

It’s the recognition of being whole, where nothing is missing, no one can deprive you, and nothing can disturb you.

It’s restoring your self-image to a preconditioned state while activating your infinite power to create. It’s the remembering — I am.

We strip away all that no longer serves you so you can set your spirit free and soar to new heights. And we do all of this in one luxurious day.

If my words stir something in your heart, it’s time to have a conversation about your Iconic Image, your legacy, and your destiny. Click Here for the opportunity to do so.



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment