Highly Successful but Woefully Single?


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Have you ever had a gorgeous, intelligent, confident, sensual woman show you unconditional love?

I’m talking about the kind of woman you dream about (but secretly don’t feel worthy of) and the kind of love that holds all your brilliance and your brokenness in the same regard, unconditional.

If you really want to know what that’s like get ready for the greatest adventure of your life!

The Call to Adventure

Before you were longing for love you were happily married. You had a whole life with someone. You had the house, the toys, the travel… the kid, possibly, or the pet.

But then something changed. And after a while you could no longer sacrifice your happiness to stay in it. So it ended. And now you’re not sure if you’ll ever be happy in love again.

Plus, you’re doing pretty alright on your own. You’ve got your house, your toys, you travel freely, with friends from time to time, and you’re not tethered to anyone or anything.

So on some level you are happy and free, but you’re not fulfilled.

Joseph Campbell popularized The Hero’s Journey, but it’s been the framework for every great story from Homer’s Odyssey to Lucas’ Star Wars.

As you know, these epic stories ​​involve a hero who is called forth so he leaves his pretty alright comfort zone, ventures into an unknown world with the help of a supernatural mentor, encounters harrowing challenges, and finally has a victory so big he comes home totally transformed.

With, I might add, the elixir of life. In your case, supreme love.

Which I know you really really want, but…

Refusing The Call

Your heart longs for a soulmate. But there is still part of you deep inside that feels unworthy of unconditional love.

So you settle for the fun companionship. And let’s face it, the NSA sex is good… but it’s not fulfilling.

Now here you are, feeling the urge, called to something greater, not necessarily knowing how to get it or where to look, or what to do. But it’s undeniably within you.

All of your logic and reason is bearing down, warning you, “what not to do”, “what red flags to be on the lookout for”, and how to find the right partner and “not make the same mistake that you made before”.

In his book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell writes, “Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative. Walled in boredom, hard work, or “culture,” the subject loses the power of significant affirmative action and becomes a victim to be saved. His flowering world becomes a wasteland of dry stones and his life feels meaningless — even though, like King Minos, he may through titanic effort succeed in building an empire of renown. […] All he can do is create new problems for himself and await the gradual approach of his disintegration.”

You are not a victim and I am not here to save you.

However, you may be reluctant. Let me remind you, you’re not who you were before.

You have lived a lot of life, which has given you wisdom, self-acceptance, and greater understanding. You have more clarity around who you are and who you want to do life with. So following your heart now won’t be the same as “the fool” who followed his heart from your youth.

This adventure into the unknown, this journey to love, is an entirely new journey. Let it be the most exciting, the most fulfilling, and the most enlightening journey of your life!

Allow me to show you what this journey has in store for you…

The Obstacle is the Way

While Ryan Holiday used many examples in his book to illustrate the victories won by a wide range of heroes, stoicism is not my thing. I recognize the stoic philosophy may be a viable approach to winning wars and solving worldly problems. But when it comes to love or other spiritual pursuits, that approach isn’t the right fit.

The obstacles to true unconditional love are always within us. And they reside at the level of your soul.

It may be impossible to see from where you stand because it’s so close, it just feels like it’s you. And you’re not wrong, you just don’t have the whole picture.

You’re seeing yourself as your body-mind in relation to the world you live in. Totally normal. But there’s more to reality than that. The more that sages, mystics, and now quantum physicists talk about.

The broader model of reality includes the body-mind and world as we know it but also includes consciousness as the fundamental underlying “element”. From this all-encompassing perspective, consciousness is that which all apparent objects arise from.

I initiate my clients into metaphysics by leading them through the experience of this model. You won’t get the full effect by reading this, but you will get it conceptually — and you’ll see precisely why the obstacle is the way.

Everything arises from pure consciousness.

Pure Consciousness → Personal Consciousness → Personality → Personal Reality

Pure consciousness is infinite. Maybe you think of it as God. In order to experience itself, it localizes into personal consciousness (aka your soul).

Then personal consciousness projects itself into form, into your body-mind, or your personality.

From your personality, you project your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions into the world which you experience as your personal reality.

Between your soul and your body-mind (Personal Consciousness → Personality) there is a mechanism that veils your infinite nature for the purpose of experiencing the multiplicity and diversity of life. I call this veiling mechanism your soul wound.

Technically speaking, “the wound” is a fundamental mistake every human makes that occurs in childhood and becomes the basis of the ego. The ego being the aspect of us that fears death and believes in separation and lack.

The wound in this model is the obstacle and the way to freedom.

The wound is the place where light enters you. — Rumi

Utilizing a technology I’ve developed, my clients are able pinpoint the precise wording of their wound. Then they finally know what to transcend and exactly how to do it. Often after years of “working on themselves”.

The wording is incredibly important. It must be specific, unique to you, and cruel.

To give you an ideal of what the soul wound sounds like, here are a few examples from the clients I’ve worked with. Remember, they are all powerful, successful public figures.

“I am weak, powerless, and alone in a dangerous world that I don’t belong in.”

“I am a nobody: an ugly, boring, loser that deserves to be alone.”

“I’m a gross, pathetic, disappointing reject unworthy of unconditional love and people loathe me.”

“I am a delusional, fraudulent, small man that is incapable of measuring up.”

Pretty brutal, right? Your soul wound is a well-hidden one-of-a-kind key that both keeps you imprisoned and can set you free — when you discover what it is and no longer identify with it.

My proprietary process to locate and liberate your unique soul wound happens in a single life-altering day with me. But becoming the man you truly want to be doesn’t happen overnight.

Which is why I partner with my clients for a year-long adventure.

The Guiding Light

I am the guide who lights the path and walks beside powerful, purposeful men on a journey. I am the gorgeous, intelligent, confident, sensual woman — here to show you unconditional love.

Bold statement, I know. And yet I stand firm, knowing my unique abilities and precisely what purpose they are meant to serve.

I am a private metaphysician for public figures on a journey to find true love. If you’re interested in the backstory, here it is.

The path and partnership I’m inviting you to is not for everyone. We won’t align if you’re a “fix me” victim or “ego-driven” with a superficial desire or self-entitled with a “do it for me” attitude.

My clients value things like self-mastery, open-mindedness, and mutual trust.

You must be fully committed to finding love. Because on this adventure, you will come face-to-face with your antagonists. You will need to master your emotions by surrendering to them. To fulfill your desire for divine union, you will have to disintegrate outdated parts of your identity.

And with me by your side, you will triumph.

Your journey will be smoother than you imagine because, for 25 years, I’ve guided heroes like you home — to love.

I can’t promise when it will happen or who will be your beloved but I can promise what you will experience if we agree to go down this road together.

You will know inner peace and unconditional love. You will have more than confidence, you will have conviction in your value as a lover and husband.

You will know freedom and fulfillment. You will trust yourself completely.

It is my purpose and pleasure to show you your divinity.

You Are The Hero

You are worthy of the kind of love you desire. I celebrate you for having the courage to open your heart. You are the master of a domain most people can’t even fathom.

You needn’t sacrifice love for success. Afterall, is it really success if you’re alone?

You probably have a hidden belief (soul wound) that your value is predicated on success. Which has you unconsciously attracting women who want you for what you have, not who you are.

And damn, it does feel good — stoking your fire from time to time — with a warrior-like victory in the sheets.

But you want your Queen, not another princess.

You have a soulmate in this world. You can trust this woman to love you for YOU. Your desire for someone to share your life with can, and will be, fulfilled with the right approach.

You’re highly intellectual and have your feet firmly planted in the world of logic and reason. Which is why you’re so successful at your profession.

But love is not logical. Soulmates are divine.

We actually have to set aside your known strengths and activate the ones you have not yet discovered. This is the leg of your Hero’s Journey you’re being called to.

This may sound daunting or like a bunch of bullshit — to your logical ego mind.

So check in with your heart. There’s a reason you’ve read this far. If your heart is pounding for the adventure…

Answer the Call



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment