Do You Trust the Unfolding of Your Vision?


me in “the climbin’ tree” Summer of 1986

When you’ve clarified exactly what you want to create and have chosen to go all in, how trusting are you that it will manifest?

If you have trouble knowing it’s done, there’s a way to remember that can put your mind at ease so you can focus on the perfection of now.

When I was growing up, we lived in a rural area. There were farms all around and many would have produce stands at the entrance to the farm, right off the county roads.

One of my fondest memories is going with my mom to the farms for tomatoes, watermelon, sweet corn, and cantaloupe on Saturday mornings in the summer.

Everyone would know each other by name and chat for a bit, the way country folk do, and then we’d drive to the next farm for their bounty. The whole event would take a couple hours and, looking back, I can see how it shaped my love for food, for people, and for the thing that connects it all.

How to Trust the Unfolding

Imagine that you’re a farmer who grows corn or watermelon or tomatoes or whatever fresh produce you love to eat at its peak on these hot summer days.

You know ‘what you sow, so shall you reap.’ That’s a given.

If you plant corn, you’re gonna get a bunch of stalks, full of ears, overflowing with kernels of corn. If you plant a tiny tomato seed, and you nurture that little fella, you’re going to have so many tomatoes you’ll have to give some away to the neighbors.

The farmer trusts the unfolding of their manifestation.

They don’t fight against the tilling of the soil. They just till the soil.

They don’t curse the sowing of the seeds. They celebrate the seeds they have to sow.

They don’t scream at the sky, forcing it to rain. They water their fields when they need to.

They don’t wonder if the sun will shine, bringing life (magically) to the dormant DNA of the seeds they planted.


And they enjoy the harvest when it comes.

Yes, tilling the soil takes time. Yes, sowing the seeds takes effort. Yes, they focus on and nurture their fields. Yes, they have to prepare to receive the bounty. The produce doesn’t harvest itself. It requires structure and strategy to take it all in.

You are the farmer of your desires.

There are ‘stages’ of your manifestation. Maybe you’re tilling the soil right now for one of your desires. Maybe you’re nurturing another. And maybe you’re harvesting yet another.

Remember wherever you are, now is always perfect. Trust the unfolding. Life is juicy and delicious.

If you’d like a prompt to reflect on in your journal, try this.

Think of the “seeds” you wish to see bare fruit. These are your desires.

Clarify them one by one if need be until you can see, taste, touch, smell or hear the “fruit” of their fulfillment.

Determine where you’re at with each and trust that place.

Are you still tilling the soil? Are you planting the seed? Are you watering it? Are you giving thanks to God/Source for the magical unfolding of it? Or are you enjoying the bountiful harvest of a seed you planted long ago?

Remember it’s all perfect. And so are YOU.

How to Master This Mindset

If you’ve exhausted all the options and you still aren’t getting the results you desire, it’s time for a new paradigm. As a metaphysician, I teach my clients how to use the tools and technology for the new paradigm. Click here for more information.



Colette Davenport | Spiritual Advisor

Author, Speaker & Advisor to Accomplished Individuals Seeking Fulfillment